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Building Capacity in Development Education: Project Evaluation

by | 1st October 2010

From June to November 2010 a Sustainability Frontiers team comprised of Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby undertook the consultancy evaluation of phase two (2008-11) of the all-Ireland Building Capacity in Development Education Project of the Centre for Global Education (CGE), Belfast, Northern Ireland.  The work involved an ongoing desk interrogation of project documentation, a 7 June visit to Belfast to meet with project officers, and a visit to conduct interviews from 25 August to 2 September.  Interviews took place in Belfast and Bangor in Northern Ireland and in Dublin, Limerick and Maynooth in the Republic of Ireland.  The work also involved telephone interviewing. The evaluation report containing recommendations for a third project phase from March 2011 was written in October/early November 2010 and submitted to CGE on 10 November.

David Selby visited Belfast to discuss the evaluation report with the CGE Management Board on 24 November 2010.

The aim of the project is to enhance capacity in the development education sector in the north and south of Ireland, to share good practice and create opportunities for effective networking and collaboration.  To realize this aim, the Capacity Building Project has had three strands:

  • Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review has been published bi-annually, and from September 2009, as an online journal. Policy & Practice aims to widen understanding of the delivery and effectiveness of development education at local and international levels.  It has aimed for a strong practitioner orientation. For details go to:
  • Conference:  An annual development education conference aimed at strengthening practice by enabling practitioners to network with colleagues, promote resources and facilitate quality discussion and inputs.
  • Seminars: A bi-annual development education seminar series directly related to themes picked up in each issue of Policy & Practice

For the evaluation report written by Fumiyo and David, go to:

For CGE go to: