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Theme Two- Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Education

Sustainability Frontiers is committed to exploring the theoretical, policy and practical interface between sustainability education, disaster risk reduction education and education enabling resilient responses to threats and emergencies occasioned by fast and slow-onset disasters. Our exploration addresses theoretical, policy and practical dimensions of disaster risk reduction taking on board the exacerbating presence of the climate crisis that is deeply and negatively affecting communities and livelihoods while compounding underlying vulnerabilities and inequalities.


Climate change predictions from the worldwide scientific community suggest that, should current trajectories continue, in the foreseeable future, everyone will be in emergency. The work the Sustainability Frontiers undertakes anticipates and foreshadows such a future by aligning sustainability education with disaster risk reduction education and resilience building education and by bringing them into mainstream education in both formal and non-formal learning settings.

Sustainability Frontiers works with partner organizations in developing learning strategies for mitigating and preventing disaster and for coping with emergencies and trauma, while helping facilitate the development of locally appropriate curricula and learning and teaching materials that build on indigenous resilience experience and wisdom. Sustainability Frontiers members also work to strengthen the resilience capacities of education systems faced, as they are, with multiple, cascading and mutually reinforcing risks fuelled and exacerbated by climate breakdown.



Key Publications