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UNESCO/UNICEF disaster risk reduction curriculum study published!

by | 23rd July 2012

Disaster Risk Reduction in School Curricula: Case Studies from Thirty Countries (UNESCO/UNICEF, 2012)


The above study, the outcome of the Mapping of Global Disaster Risk Reduction Integration into Education Curricula consultancy undertaken by Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby for UNICEF and UNESCO from September to December 2011, has just been published.

The 207-page publication captures key national experiences in the integration of disaster risk reduction in the curriculum, identifying good practice, noting issues addressed or left unaddressed. The study reviews DRR-related curriculum development and integration, pedagogy, student assessment, teacher professional development and guidance, learning outcomes and policy development, planning and implementation aspects covering thirty countries.

For the study visit:

For the abstract of the study click here.