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DRR Curriculum Mapping Study referenced in UN General Assembly document

by | 19th April 2013

Implementation of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction: Report of the Secretary General (A/67/335) for the United Nations General Assembly sixty-seventh session on Sustainable Development: International Strategy for Disaster Reduction has referenced Disaster Risk Reduction in School Curricula: Case Studies from Thirty Countries written by David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa (2012) under the section titled ‘advocating for disaster-resilient cities, schools and hospitals’ as follows:


‘An estimated 100 million children and young people are affected by disasters every year. The challenge for most countries is to build students’ understanding of the causes, nature and effects of hazards through educational programmes while also fostering a range of competencies and skills to enable them to contribute proactively to the prevention and mitigation of disasters. Knowledge and skills must be informed by a framework of attitudes, dispositions and values that propel young people to act responsibly and responsively when their familes and communities are threatened’ (Paragraph 34)

To access the full UN General Assembly document, click here.