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‘Ready for the Storm’ article published

by | 6th May 2013

Ready for the Storm: Education for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation’


The above-titled article by Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby has just been belatedly published in the Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, vol. 6, no.2, September 2012, 207-17. This is an invited contribution to a UNESCO Special Edited Section on the ESD Response to the Three Rio Conventions.

The abstract is as follows:

Incidences of disaster and climate change impacts are rising globally. Disaster risk reduction and climate change education are two educational responses to present and anticipated increases in the severity and frequency of hazards. They share significant complementarities and potential synergies, the latter as yet largely unexploited. Three dimensions of climate change education—understanding and attentiveness, mitigation and adaptation— are identified and explored as corresponding to key elements in disaster risk reduction education. While international bodies advocate the alignment of the two focuses, we are still only on the threshold of their alignment in practice within curriculum. Both focuses also align in their embrace of an interactive, experiential and participatory pedagogy. An educational contribution to a sustainable future must necessarily address disaster risk reduction and climate change.

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