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Fracking Article marks new SF development!

by | 18th November 2014

‘Fracking: Unlocking the Great Debate’, Green Teacher, Fall 2014, Issue 104, 12-15.


Over the last year, Bert Tulk, Director of Sustainability Frontiers, Canada, has been working on an initiative to bring the hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) issue to the attention of students.  This issue, highly controversial in Canada, the United Kingdom and the USA, has so far received very little attention in classrooms and has not been particularly pushed as a curriculum topic by environmental, global and sustainability educators.  The first product of Bert’s endeavors, ‘Fracking: Unlocking the Great Debate‘, has just been published in Green Teacher, and offers a highly practical town hall style debate activity for the high school classroom.

For an abstract of the article, click here

To access the article, click here

To read Bert’s View from the Linden Barn piece, The Fuss about Fracking: Bringing the Issues to Learners,