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Environmental Education in Context

by | 14th October 2015

David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa have contributed a chapter, ‘Emerging Dimensions of Global Environmental Education’ to this 272-page book, the first Slovak text on environmental education.


Published this month and co-edited by Zuzana Dovalova, Zuzana Gallayova and Juraj Hips, the book is a co-publication from the Slovakian non-profit organization, Zivica, and the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Studies of the Technical University of Zvolen [ISBN 978-80-228-2794-2]. The description of the book on the cover reads: ‘We often look at the world through a keyhole. Such perception of reality is rather incomplete and limited. A holistic view is a precondition for critical thinking and evaluation of information.’

The book can be ordered via Zuzana Dovalova: [email protected]