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Active Learning in a Globalized World: Inquiry-based Learning Week, Tamagawa Academy, Tokyo

by | 15th October 2015

Tamagawa Academy’s global inquiry-based learning week (27 October to 1 November 2015) aims to offer a creative platform for reflection, sharing and action for Japanese secondary school teachers on the role of inquiry-based learning in a globalized world.


The week includes various open classes, a conference (30 October) and a teacher workshop (1 November).   David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa at Sustainability Frontiers have been invited to make a leading contribution to the week. At the conference on 30 October David will give a keynote speech titled Integral Learning for a Just and Kinder World while Fumiyo will contribute to a panel discussion focusing on the Tamagawa Academy’s Super Global High School Program. On 1 November, David and Fumiyo will offer a whole-day interactive teacher workshop, Learning for Resilience: New Dimensions of Global Education.

For further details and to sign up for the conference and the workshop, click here.