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Same World in Different Schools

by | 17th November 2015

Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby prepared a distance contribution to the SAME World in Different Schools International Seminar held in Milan on 21 October 2015: a recorded video intervention, Embedding Climate Justice Education in School Learning. The Seminar focussed upon the inclusion of environmental justice, climate change and environmental migration in school curricula. The objective of the SAME project is to foster dialog between European institutions regarding experiences with the inclusion of topics relating to the relationship between social and environmental justice in school curricula through a global perspective. Representatives of education authorities, professors, teachers and NGO representatives from partner countries from across Europe attended the seminar. ‘SAME’ is an acronym for for ‘Sustainability, Awareness, Mobilization, Environment’.


For photo coverage of the International Seminar, click here.

Fumiyo and David’s contribution will shortly be downloadable from the project website and it will be used as stimulus material on the SAME course for teachers, other educators and parents to be launched in autumn 2016.