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Sustainability Frontiers Winter/Spring Wellbeing Workshops

by | 13th January 2016

As part of its determination to have a strong local and well as international presence, Sustainability Frontiers UK is pleased to announce its Winter/Spring 2016 series of talks and workshops aimed at fostering personal wellbeing and connectivity with nature.


Each session takes place at the Woodlands Hotel, Sidmouth on Saturdays falling within the February to April 2016 period. The program is as follows:

  • Saturday 6 February, 2:00-4:00pm, A Broad View from a Small Farm: “What’s for Dinner?” Ruth Hancock of Fresh and Green Vegetables, a vegetable box scheme that runs from her small farm in the Otter Valley, East Devon, discusses the practicalities of food growing and explains how sustainable agriculture can make a significant contribution to addressing global environmental issues such as climate change.
  • Saturday 5 March, 2:00-4:00pm, Partner Reflexology: Learning the Art of Foot Massage. Barbel Selby, a complementary health practitioner working in the Sidmouth area, will teach the basic skills required for partner foot massage that is caring, relaxing and enhancing of wellbeing.
  • Saturday 19 March, 2:00-4:00pm: The Alexander Technique: From Thinking in Activity to a Way of Being. Helen Gibson-West and Jane Julier, both well-known teachers of the Alexander Technique, will co-lead a workshop exploring the Alexander Technique as a gentle, thoughtful method of self-empowerment that enables you to be the best possible version of yourself.
  • Saturday 9 April, 2:00-5:00pm: Everyday Mindfulness: How to Stay in the Here and Now within a Distracting World. Kevin Hickson, an independent mental health practitioner and instructor in Tai Chi Chu’an and Qigong, introduces the practice of mindfulness and offers creative, fun and practical ways in which mindfulness can be integrated into our daily lives.

For the workshop flyers click here.

To book a place at any of the sessions write to: [email protected]