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ESD International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan

by | 7th December 2017

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) International Symposium: Prospects and Ongoing Challenges of Regional Revitalization based on ESD, 11-12 November 2017, Rikkyo University, Tokyo.


Fumiyo Kagawa spoke at the ESD International Symposium, 11-12 November 2017, hosted by ESD Research Centre at Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan. The Symposium explored experiences and lessons learned in regional revitalisation efforts through ESD in seven Asian and European countries: Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. The audience largely consisted of Japanese university academics and students, NGO personnel and government officials.

In her speech, Regional Revitalization through Sustainability Education: Insights from the UK Experience, Fumiyo discussed relevant UK regional regeneration policies, and described and analyzed three case studies of noteworthy practice in sustainable regional revitalization with a strong learning dimension from Scotland and England. On the second day of the Symposium a panel discussion took place on issues emerging from the country-specific presentations. Fumiyo was one of the panellists.

Following on from the Symposium, Fumiyo attended a field trip organized by the Rikkyo’s ESD Research Centre to Kesennuma and Rikuzentakata cities, both devastated by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, to learn about disaster reconstruction and regional revitalization efforts. For her reflections on the field visit, Concrete Walls, Cherry Trees and Post-tsunami Reconstruction in Japan.