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Archipelagos of Learning Article

by | 24th March 2018

Archipelagos of Learning Article, March 2018


In advance of the upcoming 7th International Conference on Environmental Future, Honolulu, Hawai’i, 16-20 April 2018, focussing on Humans and Island Environments, an article by David Selby and Fumiyo Kagawa has just been published in the international journal, Environmental Conservation. The article will  provide the platform for discussions under the fifteenth section of the conference on the role of environmental education on islands. Titled Archipelagos of learning: Environmental education on islands, the article appreciatively reviews environmental education practice on islands through the lens of four key strands of environmental education discourse: biodiversity, conservation and science-framed education; place-based, indigenised and bioregional education: climate change and disaster risk reduction education; and education for sustainable development. It identifies distinctive features of environmental education in island settings.

For a summary of the article, click here.

To obtain access to the article, click here.