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Safer Tomorrow – Disaster Preparedness in Pakistan Project

by | 18th July 2018

SF consultancy to the Safer Tomorrow – Disaster Preparedness in Pakistan Project, June to August 2018


The Sustainability Frontiers team of Fumiyo Kagawa and David Selby are acting as consultants to the HOPE’87 project, A Safer Tomorrow – Disaster Preparedness in Pakistan, currently being implemented in Swat and Peshawar districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. The project is funded by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid for Civil Protection (ECHO), the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and HOPE’87 itself. Its overarching objective is to ‘promote the resilience of vulnerable populations living in areas most affected by natural and human induced disasters in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’. Its specific objectives concern building the capacity of governmental institutions, vulnerable communities and schools in addressing disaster risk to achieve three important results: strengthening of school disaster management; developing a culture of safety among students while contributing to community resilience through risk reduction and resilience education; improved vertical and horizontal coordination of disaster prevention and disaster risk reduction efforts.

To support the project the SF team have first worked with the project’s Committee for Curriculum Supplement and a local consultant to develop a fine-tuned disaster risk reduction Scope and Sequence document laying out knowledge, skills, values and attitudinal learning goals for each of Grades 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-10 and 11-12. This has been followed by the development of Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for each item listed in the Scope and Sequence document.

The consultancy team will finally turn their attention to working on an initial draft of Education Sector Contingency Planning Guidelines for Education in Emergencies to be presented at a National Consultative Workshop before amending the document in the light of Workshop feedback. The consultancy is due to close at the end of August 2018 while the Safer Tomorrow project closes at the end of November 2018.

For SF’s earlier consultancy work for HOPE’87 in Pakistan click here and here.