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Supporting the School-based Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Project Consultancy in the Pacific: Update

by | 8th April 2019

Fumiyo Kagawa is undertaking an October 2018 to May 2019 consultancy for UNICEF Pacific to support the implementation design of its school-based disaster risk reduction (DRR) and resilience project in four countries in the Pacific region, i.e. Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu.


In November and December 2018, she visited the four countries to conduct national, sub-national and school/community-level key stakeholder consultations on existing DRR-related policies, plans, activities, practices and resources in preparation for designing a contextualised school DRR and resilience handbook and training guide for each project country.

Further to the field-based consultation and extensive desk-based literature review, she wrote and submitted an Inception Report and has also drafted a gender responsive and inclusivity oriented school DRR handbook and training guide for each country.

In April and May 2019, she is paying a second visit to the region to conduct national and sub-national training of trainers (ToT) in Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Tonga to build the capacity of Ministry of Education Officers and sub-national Education Officers to train head teachers, teacher and school committees on school-based DRR and resilience planning and action. She will also offer close support to some district level training, working closely with trained national MoE Officers and sub-national Education Officers.  The materials developed will be finalised incorporating stakeholder and participant  feedback.

A final report will document and analyse the whole process and include recommendations for strategic ways forward.