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Down the Combe: New Book by David Selby for 2022!

by | 24th August 2021

New Book by David Selby: Down the Combe and into the Meadow: Reflections on Nature and Learning


David Selby is currently completing a new book that looks at life and learning ways for fostering deep immersion in nature. Over twelve chapters, David offers a month by month diary and description of the natural world in his own local place out of each of which flows reflections and insights on issues of major environmental concern. The chapters include: ‘Hibernal Musings on Place, Self and Nature’ (January), ‘Where Stands the Lenten Lily? Sustainability and the Denaturing of Nature’ (March), ‘On the Earliness of Spring: Localized Learning Responses to Climate Breakdown’(April), ‘The Profusion of Summer Meadows: Immersive Encounters with Biodiversity’ (June), ‘Migrating Times: Nature and Humanity on the Move’ (October), ‘Celebration and Ritual in Earth-connected learning’ (December). ‘Learning’ is used in the broadest sense to cover purposefully directed learning as well as learning that flows from mindful living. Photographs by the renowned photographer, David White, winner of the 2019 CountryFile competition are included over four inserts.

Let David know if you would like advance notice of publication.