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The Heat is On! UNICEF Climate Change and Education Publication Series

by | 28th January 2022

Since February 2020, Fumiyo Kagawa has been undertaking a UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) study on the impacts of climate change on education systems in the South Asian region as well as education system responses to climate change. The countries covered are: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, the Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Click here for further details on the consultancy.


The Heat is On! publication series constitutes country-specific reports as part of the regional climate change and education study. Drawing upon desk-based documentary reviews, national stakeholder surveys, school-level focus group discussions and U-Report data, each country study examines direct and indirect impacts of climate change on the education system, in terms of learning facilities, access to education, student health and wellbeing, education provision and learning quality.  Each country report explores seven key education system components (i.e. Policies, Plans, Strategies; Finance; Curriculum, Teaching and Learning; Teacher Capacity Development; Communication, Coordination and Partnership; School/Community Student Participation Platforms; Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability) and provides country-specific recommendations aimed at making the education system more resilient and empowering students to become agents of change in the face of increasing climate change risks. The report is intended to stimulate discussion and action on the part of key stakeholders with respect to educational planning, financing, research, program development and advocacy.

The following country reports are now available:

A regional synthesis report will follow shortly.