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Regional Revitalization Symposium Contribution

by | 17th July 2018

Symposium Contribution: ‘Regional Revitalization’ through Sustainability Education: Insights from the UK Experience


In November 2017 Fumiyo Kagawa attended and spoke at the International Symposium held at Rikkyo University, Tokyo, on Prospects and Ongoing Challenges of Regional Revitalization based on Education for Sustainable Development. Her paper, ‘ “Regional Revitalization” through Sustainability Education: Insights from the UK Experience’ has now been published in the Symposium proceedings. The paper first explores the meaning of ‘regional revitalization’ in the UK through a historical review of key sustainable development and eduction for sustainable development (ESD) policy documentation.  It goes on to analyze three noteworthy case studies: the grassroots movement Incredible Edible focusing on local food in Todmorden, West Yorkshire; ocean re-wilding by the NGO, Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST) in the Hebridean Isle of Arran; a notable re-localisation initiative, the Transition Town Movement, Totnes, Devon.

For the paper abstract, click here.

For details of the International Symposium, click here.

For the paper (in Japanese) click here.